delivering impactful daily culture fixes

We bring you the pieces that provoke. Whether it be a song that teleports you to the streets of Los Angeles or a cavern in the UK. Or a book that tells you something about the world or yourself that forever changes the way you think. Creativity happens all the time, in every part of the world, we want to help showcase these creative artists because their pieces are too important not to share. 

What we won't do is tell you what to listen to based on your "mood" or current circumstance. We won't share feel good movies that make you cry or cringe. We believe that great content means great curation, this is a promise we will never break. 


we deliver culture to you in two ways:

1) the daily fix - daily recommendations, if you could only listen to one thing today, you should listen to this 🎵

2) the weekly roundup - a summary of our daily fixes and category recommendations from the week 🔥

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